Tips After Installing Yii Users and Rights Extensions

After Installing Yii Users and Rights to Newly Created Yii app we have to assign dynamic roles to a user at the time of user creation .

Create a role manually 

first we have to create a role manually and add some operations and/or tasks to the role according to the needs
assume the role created was 'clients'

Giving role 

This is very simple , achieved by using two lines of code
save the user(assume $model->id is the user saved/created)
//assign role
$authorizer = Yii::app()->getModule("rights")->getAuthorizer();
$authorizer->authManager->assign('clients', $model->id);

Getting user role 

This is also very simple
the signed user id will get using Yii::app()->user->Id
$roles=Rights::getAssignedRoles(Yii::app()->user->Id); // check for single role
foreach($roles as $role)
if($role->name == 'clients')
//some actions here ..

Making some actions public 

this should be a common need of an app.
this is also very simple when using yii rights
just use a '-' (minus) operator like
public function filters()
        return array(
            'rights - publicprofile', // perform access control for CRUD operations
here the publicprofile action is public, all other actions in the same controller are under rights.

Getting all the roles 

getting all the roles in the application
put this line in protected/config/main
get all roles as a dropdown
if (Yii::app()->user->isSuperuser) {
       $all_roles=new RAuthItemDataProvider('roles', array( 
        <label for="type_id">Type</label>
        <?php echo CHtml::dropDownList("Type",'',CHtml::listData($data,'name','name'));?> 
Thank you Chris for the awesome module. and thanks mishamx.

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